Téli babacsizma nem csak hordozáshoz!
Szuper baba téli csizma hordozásos kalandokhoz és tulajdonképpen bárhova.
Softshell polár belsővel és a tec-réteggel. Enyhén rugalmas. Tökéletes a babahordozás idejére.
1 méret 0 - 9 hó kb 17-20as méretnek felel meg
2 méret 9-18 hónap 21-24 méret
Winter Booties,
Great for babywearing adventures, match with our covers. Enjoy the outdoors with your baby in a carrier or wrap!
Size 1 = circa 0 - 9 months 17-20as méret
Size 2 = circa 9 - 18 months
The weatherproof SoftShell - Our special ordered SoftShell is bonded with polar fleece and a tec-layer, and is somewhat stretchy too. Just perfect for babywearing.
Materials: A stretchy SoftShell technical jacket fabric bonded with a structure-cut polar fleece and a breathable, weatherproof membrane (MaM*tec >5000 mm) sandwiched between the layers.
Pecan & Brown Sugar: Bonded technical suede (faux) fabric with a wind-, waterproof and breathable membrane (MaM*tec >10 000 mm) and sherpa fleece lining