Xkko biopamut pelenkabetét
Xkko biopamut pelenkabetét
3 490 Ft

Xkko biopamut pelenkabetét

Xkko biopamut pelenkabetét
Xkko biopamut pelenkabetét
Minőség és innováció Európából.

Szuper nedvszívás, tetra alapanyagú pelenkabetét

Várható kiszállítás
3 490 Ft
Egységár: 1 745 Ft/db
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Neked ajánljuk

Két méretben tudjátok megrendelni ezeket a pelenkabetéteket, amelyek 5 réteg tetra biopamut anyagból készültek.

A közkedvelt xkko tetra palenkáiból készültek, finom és puha anyag, magas szövési sűrűséggel öt rétegben. Ebben a formában a nedvszívása kiemelkedő és száradása gyors.

Mosással nő a nedvszívása is, mosás után kb 10%-kal kisebb lesz a méret.

2 db/ csomag


S:  11x68cm

L: 13x80cm





Organic cotton muslin booster with five (!) layers.


Boosters are made of our famous muslin material XKKO Organic Old Times with the highest weight in the European market!  Compared to a conventional cotton nappy, organic cotton nappies XKKO Organic Old Times are much finer and softer. Compared to a conventional cotton nappy, organic cotton nappies XKKO Organic Old Times have more than 45% higher weight. So they follow in the tradition of quality cotton nappies from more than 40 years ago. Moreover, the new added value is natural, pure organic cotton grown without the use of chemicals.

This material is even more absorbent after multiple washings. The nappies obtain optimal absorbency after 4-8 washings. 

The natural property of untreated cotton is shrinkage, the commonly reported nappy shrinkage value is around 10%.



Organic cotton with a GOTS certificate (Global Organic Textile Standard) is grown without chemical spraying while utilizing natural laws.

Natural biodiversity, crop rotation, and compost fertilization keep the soil healthy and full of nutrients. Instead of using chemical preparations, weeds are removed by simple manual weeding and hoeing, mulching, more efficient irrigation and growing of multiple plant species together.

Only natural insecticides are used and various methods (such as planting of specific crops) encourage the occurrence of natural enemies of plant pests. The picking of cotton blossoms is often done by hand or by other very gentle methods, and always without the action of chemicals used to defoliate plants.

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