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The nursing mother's guide to weaning
The nursing mother's guide to weaning
5 990 Ft

The nursing mother's guide to weaning

A legtöbb nő számára a szoptatásban a legnagyobb kihívást a szoptatás abbahagyása jelenti.


This book begins with a fascinating chapter on the history and sociology of Breastfeeding and Weaning [and the politics as well!]. I found that very interesting. More than 90 pages of the book are devoted to how to wean a baby who is less than 12 months old - which might be helpful to many moms, but is useless to anyone who is nursing a baby older than that. I found the book to be VERY honest and direct on both the pros and cons of weaning in each age category [0-4 mos, 5-12 mos, 1-2 yrs, 3 and older]. The author was very supportive of a mother's wish to wean [or not], regardless of her reasons and gave the facts about the benefits and costs of the decision in a very forthright and non-judgemental fashion. She included a huge number of practical tips on weaning in different situations and for different reasons. She offered information on every choice available without judgement - including some methods condemned by most Breastfeeding Advocates - such as weaning by "abandonment", applying disgusting or pain-inducing substances to the breast to traumatize the baby out of wanting to nurse, and weaning by frightening the baby. I didn't care for those methods, but she was certainly honest and thorough on ALL the options available. She gave many, many tips on methods that might be more healthy for the baby as well, and I felt the book was very complete.

Várható szállítás
1 hét
5 990 Ft
A vásárlás után járó pontok: 90 Ft
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A mamamibolt lelkes csapata szívesen segít, amiben csak tud.

Neked ajánljuk

Azok a  legegészségesebb gyermekek, akiket nem választottak el idő előtt, hanem maguktól hagyták el a szopizást.


Bizonyos esetekben ez az ideális állapot nem tud megvalósulni.


Ez a kötet segítséget nyújt mindazoknak, akik pár hetes, pár hónapos vagy pár éves gyermeküket kénytelenek vagy szeretnék elválasztani, illetve segít felismerni azokat a helyzeteket, amikor az anya dönthet arról, hogy folytatja-e a szoptatást vagy sem.


This book begins with a fascinating chapter on the history and sociology of Breastfeeding and Weaning [and the politics as well!]. I found that very interesting. More than 90 pages of the book are devoted to how to wean a baby who is less than 12 months old - which might be helpful to many moms, but is useless to anyone who is nursing a baby older than that. I found the book to be VERY honest and direct on both the pros and cons of weaning in each age category [0-4 mos, 5-12 mos, 1-2 yrs, 3 and older]. The author was very supportive of a mother's wish to wean [or not], regardless of her reasons and gave the facts about the benefits and costs of the decision in a very forthright and non-judgemental fashion. She included a huge number of practical tips on weaning in different situations and for different reasons. She offered information on every choice available without judgement - including some methods condemned by most Breastfeeding Advocates - such as weaning by "abandonment", applying disgusting or pain-inducing substances to the breast to traumatize the baby out of wanting to nurse, and weaning by frightening the baby. I didn't care for those methods, but she was certainly honest and thorough on ALL the options available. She gave many, many tips on methods that might be more healthy for the baby as well, and I felt the book was very complete.

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